🗿 Is AI Just All Hype?

The biggest problems with AI right now

No Fomo Moai Mascot

GM. Crypto can’t find its footing and China is leading the world in AI adoption. Other than that it’s another slow summer news day. But we’re still here to complain about the state of AI.

Without Further Ado. ☕ *knuckle cracks* ☕ Let’s get into it.

The Biggest Problems with AI Right Now

Environmental Concerns
  1. AI data centers require too much power

The power requirements for AI data centers are astronomical, and are beginning to put unforeseen pressure on our existing power grids.

“As power needs of AI push emissions up and put big tech in a bind, companies put their faith in elusive — some say improbable — technologies.”

Apparently Microsoft is betting on an effort to generate power from atomic fusion… 

  1. Cooling the data centers will require more water than we have

A single Google search requires half a millilitre of water in energy, ChatGPT consumes 500 millilitres of water for every five to 50 prompts.

The Output
  1. Chatbots and text don’t seem actually ready for widespread use

The actual output of these tools isn’t ready to be relied on without human supervision. If you’re reading this you probably have your own examples that come to mind, but the most famous blunders so far came from Google

  1. So far, any time it’s added to existing tech, it makes the experience worse for users

Moral Issues 
  1. The massive data sets cannot be attained legally, so they are stealing the information they need.

“A lawsuit claims OpenAI stole 'massive amounts of personal data,' including medical records and information about children, to train ChatGPT”

  1. AI has and will continue to put people out of work

This is an obvious complaint, but might be the most important one. We have absolutely no way of knowing just how many people will lose their job to an AI system or a robot. We do know for sure that it will not be 0

What We’re Reading

AI App of the Week 💻 

AI gets a lot of hype. But how does that help me?

This section is dedicated to No Fomo’s favorite AI tools.

We’ll try to find things that make your life easier. Or we’ll give honest, informative reviews of apps capturing Internet attention.

This Week’s App De Jour: Logi AI Prompt Builder

Today’s tool isn’t an AI itself, but rather a tool to help you better use other AI systems like chat gpt. 

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